Thursday, August 9, 2018

Netflix Top 20 DVD rentals over 20 years: Updated in 2023

Netflix Top 20 DVD rentals over 20 years

On Netflix’s 20th anniversary Netflix they posted the top 20 DVD rentals over 20 years of being in business. 

In 2023 Netflix DVD shut down. This post now has the first and last disks as well as the years after 2017. 

1997: First Disk

Beetlejuice (1988)
A recently deceased couple Adam and Barbara are living the afterlife in their beloved home when a living family moves in starts making changes including modern architecture and styles. They decide to scare them away however they are not good at haunting. So, they decide to hire an expert that causes trouble for both the living and the dead.



The Big Lebowski (1998) 
Jeff “The Dude” Lebowski is mistaken for a wealthy man that is also named Jeff Lebowski. The Dude is temporarily kidnapped but set free after the mistake is discovered. However, the kidnappers urinate on his carpet; wanting to be compensated for the carpet. The Dude and his bowling buddies to take a job from wealthy Lebowski. Then things get really crazy.



Office Space (1999)
Three dissatisfied burned-out office workers on the verge of being laid off decide to rebel and embezzle money from their company.



Gladiator (2000)
Upon the death of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, a power struggle occurs between The Emperors son Commouds and a popular General Maximus. Commodus gaining the upper hand kills Maximus’s family. Maximus survivors the attack that killed his family is captured and becomes a Gladiator.



Memento (2000)
Based on the short story Memento Mori by Jonathan Nolan [First Published in 2001]. Leonard Shelby an ex- insurance investigator that suffers from short term memory loss works to discover who killed his wife so he can have revenge. 




The Bourne Identity (2002)
Based on the book The Bourne Identity by, Robert Ludlum [First Published in 1980]. An injured man is found near death in the Mediterranean Sea. After he wakes up with no memory and only a Swiss bank account number as a clue to his identity. He travels Europe seeking who he is and why people are trying to kill him.  



Mystic River (2003)
Based on the book Mystic River by Dennis Lehane [First Published in 2001]. Three childhood friends that are connected and haunted by a tragedy are connected when the daughter of one of the men is murdered. One of the three men seeks the truth.



The Notebook (2004)
Based on the novel The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks [First Published in 1996] In 1940 a poor guy Noah and a rich girl Allie fall in love with each other and makes a youthful promise to marry and live in a special house in Seabrook Island, South Carolina. However, society, family, sickness and world events separate them. Yet Noah never falling out of love restores/customizes the Seabrook house to win her back.  



Crash (2004)
During a 36-hour period several different people living in Los Angles interact as they deal with race issues and social economic class differences.



The Departed (2006)
Based on the Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs (2004) A mole in the Boston police dept and an undercover cop in the Irish Mafia try to identify the other one first. After learning each other’s existence, they rush to find and reveal the other’s identity.



The Bucket List (2007)
A rich man and poor man that are sharing a room on a cancer ward decide to live life to the fullest by making and completing a bucket list they created together.



The Hurt Locker (2008)
When a bomb disposal unit gets a new Sergeant. Staff Sargent William James that lives for the excitement of war putting himself and others in danger while the men under his command try to stay alive. 



The Blind Side (2009)
Based on The Blind Side by Michael Lewis [First Published in 2006]. This is the story of Michael Oher and the Touhy family that took him in as a foster child and his journey to becoming a professional football player for the NFL.



Inception (2010)
Cobb a thief that steals secrets with a device that lets him, and his team enter into people’s dreams. When Cobb is sought out by a past target and is hired to plant an idea into a CEOs mind. Cobb has to deal with his past and personal demons while trying to do something that has never been done before.



The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)
Based on The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly [First Published in 2005] A defense Lawyer that works out of a Lincoln Town Car is hired to defend a rich playboy accused of assaulting a prostitute. While working on the case he discovers evidence linked to an old case he worked on putting him and his family in danger.



The Hunger Games (2012)
Based on the first book in The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins [First Published in 2008] The narrative Set in a dystopian future, 17-year-old Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sister’s spot in the annual death game that sets 24 young people (between the ages of 12 -18) against each other for entertainment for the elite and to exert control over subordinate societies.



Captain Phillips (2013)
Based on true events of the 2009 hijacking of U.S. cargo ship Maersk Alabama by a crew of Somali Pirates.



The Monuments Men (2014)
Based on the book The Monuments Men: Allied Heroes, Nazi Thieves, and the Greatest Treasure Hunt in History by Robert M. Edsel and Bret Witter [First Published in 2009] A unique platoon created by President Roosevelt during WWII. Their mission objective was rescuing and protecting art masterpieces from the Nazis and the war in general.



The Martian (2015)
Based on the book The Martian by Andy Weir [First Published in 2012] Astronaut Mark Watney believed dead in a sandstorm is left stranded on Mars. Left behind with only limited supplies in a harsh environment he must find a way to survive and contact Earth.



Sully (2016)
Based on the 2009 disaster and investigation on the “Miracle On The Hudson”.  Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger lands his disabled aircraft on the Hudson River saving all 155 passengers and the crew.



Wonder Woman (2017)
An origin story of DC Comics Wonder Woman. This version has her meeting Captain Steve Trevor in 1918. They join forces to stop Ares the Greek God of War and deadly new weapon created by the German Army.  



Dunkirk (2017)
In 1940 over 340,000 from the British Empire, France, and other Allied Countries are trapped at the harbor and beaches of Dunkirk in Northern France with the only way out is by sea. Not having enough ships Prime Minister Winston Churchill asks civilians to help with the evacuation. This movie shows the events of this various perspectives from land, sea, and air as well as solider and civilian. 



Avengers: End Game (2019)
After the events of Avengers: Infinity War (2018) The remaining hero's gather or are rescued to start a new Avengers team to restore the lives that were lost at the hands of Thanos. 



Contagion (2011) 
A woman returns to the US from Hong Kong dies within days from a strange flu. A day later her son and a man she had spent time with also die. Then the mysterious sickness quickly spreads around the world. The rest of the film show various stories of people working to stop/cure the illness, taking advantage of the situation and a few just trying to survive as the world slows to a crawl. 



News of the World (2020) 
Based on the novel News of the World by Paulette Jiles [first Published in 2016] Set Five years after the Civil War Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd a veteran of several wars; now travels from town to town with several newspapers reading the news to people eager to hear news of the world. On his way west he is paid to escort Johanna a girl that had been taken by the Kiowa after they killed the rest of her family. He is to take to her remaining family in Texas. Along the way they have to face many dangers. 



Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
Callie the daughter of Edward Spengler has inherited a house and land from her late father in Summerville, Oklahoma. Having been evicted and no other options her and her children head out there. The children Trevor and Phoebe discover their connection to the Ghostbusters and the town’s mysterious connection to events of the first film.


2023: The Last Disk

True Grit (2010)
Based on the novel True Grit by Charles Portis [First Published in 1968] Frank Ross is murdered by a hired hand Tom Chaney who joins an outlaw gang that has a hideout in Indian Territory. Frank’s daughter14-year-old Mattie Ross wants justice for her father and for Tom to be caught and punished for his crimes. To do this she hires Deputy US Marshall J Rooster Cogburn to track and capture the outlaw. Mattie and Rooster start on the trail and are later joined by Texas Ranger LaBoeuf who is hunting for Tom Chaney for the murder of a Texas State Senator. The three have disagreements and face various dangers on their quest. 

Updated 2023. 

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