Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Hollywood Remakes: Part 2

This  combined with the 150 titles in  part 1; I have found over 200 remakes. Excluding titles that get a new version a least once a decade. Example things like Robin Hood, Frankenstein, or A Christmas Carol. I hope you will share parts 1 and 2 with your friends and family.
  1. 39 Steps (1935/1959/1978/2008)
  2. A Star is Born (1937/1954/1976)
  3. A Tree Grows In Brooklyn (1945/1974)
  4. About Last Night (1986/2014)
  5. All Quiet On The Western Front (1930/1979)
  6. Animal Farm (1954/1999)
  7. Around The World In 80 Days (1956/2004) [Disney]
  8. Babbit (1924/1934)
  9. Beaches (1988/2017) 
  10. The Beguiled (1971/2017)
  11. BFG (1989/2016)
  12. The Bishop's Wife/The Preacher's Wife (1947/1996)
  13.  Brave New World (1980/1998)
  14. Breathless (1960/1983)
  15. Breeders (1986/1997)
  16. Cabin Fever (2002/2016)
  17. Cape Fear (1962/1991)
  18. Cimarron (1931/1960)
  19. Death At a Funeral (2007/2010)
  20. Death Wish (1974/2017)
  21. Doctor Zhivago (1965/2002)
  22. Endless Love (1981/2014)
  23. Envoy's Tres Speciaux/Special Correspondent's (2009/2016)
  24. Far From The Madding Crowd (1967/1998)
  25. Flatliners (1990/2017)
  26. Fever Pitch (1999/2005)
  27. Flowers In The Attic (1987/2014)
  28. The Four Feathers (1939/1978/2002)
  29. From Here To Eternity (1953/1979)
  30. Les Fugitifs (1986)/Three Fugitives (1989)
  31. Funny Games (1997/2008)
  32. The Gambler (1974/2014)
  33. Gaslight (1940/1944/1958)
  34. The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2010/2011) 
  35. Goodbye Mr. Chips (1939/1969/2003)
  36. The Great Gatsby (1974/2013)
  37. The Heart Break Kid (1972/2007)
  38. House on Haunted Hill (1959/1999)
  39. Into The Woods (1990/2014)
  40. The Island of Doctor Moreau (1977/1996)
  41. IT (1990/2017)
  42. The Italian Job (1969/2003)
  43. Jacob The Liar (1979/1999)
  44. A Kiss Before Dying (1956/1991)
  45. Lady Chatterely’s Lover (1981)/Lady Chatterely (1993/2006)
  46. Lemonade Popsicle (1978)/ Last American Virgin (1982)
  47. Let The Right One In (2008)/Let Me In (2010)
  48. Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936/1980)
  49. The Little Princess (1939/1986/1995)
  50. The Little Shop of Horrors (1960/1986)
  51. Lolita (1962/1997)
  52. Lord of The Flies (1963/1990)
  53. Madam Bovary (1949/1991/2000/2015)
  54. The Magnificent 7 (1960/2016)
  55. The Manchurian Candidate (1962/2004)
  56. Maniac (1980/2012)
  57. Miracle On Ice (1981)/Miracle (2004)
  58. The Mummy (1932/1999/2017)
  59. Murder on The Orient Express (1974/2017)/Agatha Christie’s Murder on The Orient Express (2001)
  60. My Man Godfrey (1936/1957)
  61. Night of the Demons (1988/2009)
  62. Native Son (1961/1986)
  63. Of Mice and Men (1939/1968/1981/1992)
  64. Our Town (1940/2003)
  65. Pink Panther (1964/2006)
  66. Pollyanna (1960/2016) Polly (1989)
  67. Poltergeist (1982/2015)
  68. Prisoner of Zenda (1937/1952)
  69. Scarface (1932/1983)
  70. The Secret Garden (1975/1987/1993)
  71. The Shaggy Dog (1959/1994/2006)
  72. State of Play (2003/2009)
  73. The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe (1972)/The Man with One Red Shoe (1985)
  74. That Darn Cat (1965/1997)
  75. The Thing (1951/1982)
  76. The Time Machine (1960/2002)
  77. The Vanishing (1988/1993)
  78. Village of the Damned (1960/1995)
  79. When A Stranger Calls (1979/2006)
  80. The Wolf Man (1941/2010)
  81. When Billy Beat Bobby (2001)/ Battle of the Sexes (2017)
  82. A Wrinkle in Time (2003/2018)
  83. The Yearling (1946/1994)
  84. The Yellow Handkerchief  (1977/2008)

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