Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Over 100 YA and Teen Books that have a screen adaption

In the selection of YA and Teen I used the definition of books written for the ages 11-19; or used in education of 11-19 years old. 

For the synopsis portion I split the difference because the plots can be very different between adaptions. 

All the books listed here are not in the banned book chapters/posts. (The US and Canada banned book posts have been updated as of 12/2018)

The 5th Wave by Rick Yancy [First Published in 2013]: The 5th Wave (2016)
Aliens have attacked the Earth in 4 waves. 16-year-old Cassie Sullivan having survived the attacks is searching for her lost younger brother, and a safe place to live.

The 13th Warrior by Michael Crichton As known as Eaters of the Dead [First Published in 1976] The 13th Warrior (1999)
Based on the story of Beowulf in the 10th-century the Caliph of Bagdad sends Ahmad ibn Fadlan on a diplomatic mission meet with the King of Volga Bulgars. On the way Ahmad is conscripted into a Vikings quest to destroy a Cannibal tribe preying on the people in a distant land. 

Alabama Moon by Watt Key [First Published in 2004]: Alabama Moon (2009)
10-Year-old Moon has been living with his Father in the Alabama wilderness all his life. When his Father dies, Moon is sent to an Alabama institution where he makes new friends and faces of the new outside world. 

Alex Rider Book 1: Storm Breaker by Anthony Horowitz [First Published in 2000]: Alex Rider: Operation Stormbreaker (2006)
Stormbreaker is the first book and only movie in the Alex Rider series. 14-year-old Alex Rider becomes a MI6 agent after the death of his uncle. His first mission is to investigate the Stormbreaker computer factory and stop a terrorist attack.

Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll [First Published in 1865] Alice In Wonderland (1903, 1931, 1949, 1951, 1985, 1988, 1999, 2009, 2010)
Alice chases a rabbit wearing cloths falls through a rabbit hole into a strange world populated by anthropomorphic beasts, playing cards, and other fantastic creatures.
Most of the screen adaptions are based on Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland, and Alice Through the Looking Glass.

An Angel For May by Melvin Burgess [First Published in 1992]: An Angel For May (2002)
A boy Tam (book) or Tom (film) travels back in time to WWII where he befriends an orphan girl and the people taking care of her. After returning to the 90's he learns of a tragedy that hurt his friends in the past he tries to change what happened. 

Animal Farm by George Orwell [First Published in 1945]: Animal Farm (1954/1999)
Animal Farm is an allegorical novella.  At a neglected Farm the animals successfully revolt against the Farmer and his wife and workers. The animals try to create a Utopia only for it to slowly transform into something else. 

Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery [First Published in 1908]: Anne of Green Gables (1934, 1985, 2016) Anne With An E (2017-?)
On Prince Edward Island a Cuthbert’s decide to take in an Orphan boy to help with farm work however due to a mistake an orphan girl Anne it sent. The Cuthbert’s eventually take a liking to the girl and let her stay. The rest of the story is about Annes has adventures and misadventures in the community she lives in.

Bambi: A Life In The Woods by Felix Salten [First Published in 1923] Bambi (1942) 
A fawn Bambi makes friends with woodland creatures and has a happy life until his mother is killed by a hunter. After her death he grows, strugles to protect his home and friends from man.

Battle Royale by Koushun Takami Translated by Yuji Oniki [First Published in 1999] Battle Royale (2000)
Set in a fictional Dystopian Japan. The Japanese Government selects 42 students 21 males and 21 Females from the same junior high school to be abducted and taken to a deserted island and given weapons to battle. The students have kill each other until there is one survivor otherwise everyone dies.  

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl [First Published in 2009] Beautiful Creatures (2013)
In a Southern town a local boy falls in love with the new girl in town. Despite her family being against the couple the pair becomes close. Together they learn about a magical legacy and a family connection. 

Beastly by Alex Flinn [First Published 2007]: Beastly (2011)
Beastly is a modern update to the Beauty and the Beast tale. A rich arrogant student mocks and humiliates a fellow student not knowing she is a powerful witch. The Witch curses him to have a beastly appearance. The only way to break the curse is to fall in love and be loves in return. 

Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary [First Published in 1955] Romona (1988), Beezus and Ramona (2010)
The book is first of the Quimby sister series. The screen adaptations use story lines from various books in the series. The core of this is a responsible older and an imaginative younger sister, dealing with the challenges of growing up and being sisters. 

Ben-Hur: A Tale of Christ by Lew Wallace [First Published in 1880] Ben-Her (1925/1959/2016)
Jewish Prince Ben Hur is enslaved by the Romans after an accident and sent to be a galley slave. Ben-Hur is able to gain his freedom and becomes a trained soldier and charioteer and uses this to seek revenge and redemption. While this is happening the life of Jesus Christ’s told and or referenced as their lives to intersect as the story progresses. 

The Blue Lagoon by Henry de Vere Stacpoole [First Published in 1908] The Blue Lagoon (1949, 1980)
In The Victorian era two cousins and a sailor are shipwrecked on an island in the South Pacific. After 2 years the sailor dies leaving the children to grow up alone. The children eventually have a child and live happily until a disaster takes them from their home. 

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak [First Published in 2005] The Book Thief (2013)
During WWII a girl left in the care of foster parents learns how to read and steals books for herself, Jewish refugees and others that disagree with the Nazi’s. 

The Call of The Wild by Jack London [First Published in 1903] The Call of the Wild (1935, 1972, 1976, 1992, 1997, 2020)
Set during the Klondike Gold Rush a large dog named Buck is stolen from his home and sold as a sled dog in Alaska.  In the harsh he becomes less civilized and emerges as a leader. 

Charlie Chocolate Factory by Ronald Dahl [First Published in 1964] Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) Charlie Chocolate Factory (2005)
One day the great candy maker Willy Wonka announces that 5 lucky children will be able to take a tour of his mysterious factory after years of being closed to the public. To be one of the five the child has to find one of five golden tickets hidden in a Willa Wonka chocolate bar.  The five winners will also receive a lifetime supply of Chocolate and a chance of winning a mystery prize. 

Charlotte’s Web by E.B. Webb [First Published in 1952] Charlotte’s Webb (1973, 2006)
A piglet, a writing spider and other farm animals work to save the pig from becoming foodstuffs. 

Cheaper By The Dozen by Frank B. Gilbreth Jr. & Ernestine Gilbreth Carey [First Published in 1948] Cheaper By The Dozen (1950, 2003)
A memoir about a family of fourteen made up of two parents, twelve children and a dog. The 1950 film follows the events of the book more directly that the 2003 version. 

The Christmas Shoes by Donna VanLiere [First Publishedin 2001] The Christmas Shoes (2002)
 The book and movie are inspired by the popular song The Christmas Shoes.  A young boy earns and saves his money for a special gift for his dying mother. In his quest he touches the lives of a workaholic attorney and his neglected family.

Christy by Catherine Marshall [First Published in 1967] Christy (1994)
In 1912 nineteen-year-old Christy Huddleston leaves her well to do home in Ashville North Carolina to teach the children of Cutter Gap, Tennessee.  A place of impoverished people, Folk beliefs, and moonshiners that are not eager for changes she brings. 

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis [First Published in 1950] The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (1988, 2005)
During WWII four children are sent to the country where they find a wardrobe that transports them to the magical world of Narnia. In Narnia they work to free the land from an evil witch with the help of a Mystical Lion Aslan and the inhabitants of that world. 

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis [First Published in 1951] The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (1989, 2008)
The four Pevensie children return to Narnia where 1300 years have passed. They find Narnia different from when they left. The talking animals and mythical beings are oppressed under a tyrant king. After meeting Aslan, they join forces with refugee Prince Caspian to restore freedom. 

The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis [First Published in 1952] The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989, 2010)
The younger Pevensie children and their cousin Eustace travel to Narnia and join King Caspian on a sea voyage to find the seven great lords that disappeared during the reign of Caspian’s uncle. 

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis [First Published in 1953] The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair (1990)
Decades have passed in Narnia when Eustace and his classmate Jill travel to Narnia to find King Caspian’s son Prince Rilian. The Prince went missing about a decade earlier while seeking a snake that killed his mother. Eustace and Jill are joined by Puddleglum a marsh-wiggle together they travel to an underground kingdom and find the Prince under an enchantment. 

Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan [First Published in 2000] Cirque du Freak: The Vampires Assistant (2009)
To save the life of his best friend; Darren makes a deal to become a Vampires Assistant and a half vampire.  The result of this means Darren must give up his old life and live at the Cirque du Freak.
The movie covers the first three books one with a little from books two and three in the series A Living Nightmare, The Vampires Assistant, and Tunnels of Blood

City of Ember by Jeanne DuPrau [First Published in 2003] City of Ember (2008)
While an unspecified global catastrophe looms the underground City of Ember is built to house refugees for two hundred years. Long after the disaster will have passed. However, during the 200 things have been forgotten and the city is at the end of its life. At this time two young people discover the way out however they face opposition from the elites that want things to stay as they are. 

The Clique by Lisi Harrison [First Published in 2004] The Clique (2008)
Claire Block has just moved into the guest house of popular girl Massie and the head of the pretty committee. Clair wants to join Massie clique but is rejected for her finical status. However, in time Claire and Massie do become friends. 

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen by Dyan Sheldon [First Published in 1999] Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004)
When the teenager Mary Elizabeth Steppe, a.k.a. Lola, moves from New York to Dellwood, New Jersey. Lola creates dramatic stories and about her life and the events happening around her in an attempt to be popular. 

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken [First Published in 2012] The Darkest Minds (2018)
Children under the age of eighteen suddenly develop super abilities. As a result, the government collects everybody with powers and places them into rehabilitation camps. A group of these prisoners escape and join a resistance group.  

 Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller [First Published in 1949] Death of a Salesman (1951, 1966, 1985, 1996, 2000) 
A salesman that has just lost his job reflects on his life and labors to find a way to take care of his family.

Divergent by Veronica Roth [First Published in 2011] Divergent (2014) 
If a future Chicago the population is divided into five factions Abnegation, selfless; Amity, peaceful; Candor, honest; Dauntless, brave; and Erudite, intellectual.  People that do not fit into one of these groups are Divergent. 

            Once a year every 16-year-old take an aptitude test that establishes the faction they are suited for. However, each person gets to choose what faction they will devote their lives to.
The heroine of this story Beatrice "Tris" Prior a divergent chooses to join Dauntless and goes through initiation and combat training. While this is happening the left wing, Erudite, (intellectual) faction with a few members of other faction is plotting to take control of the government from the Conservative Abnegation, (selfless) leadership. 

The DUFF by Kody Keplinger [First Published in 2010] The Duff (2015)
High school senior Bianca Piper discovers some of her classmates think of her as a DUFF the Designated Ugly Fat Friend to her more popular friends. Not wanting that label, she makes a deal with Wesley, a football star and playboy to help her not be a DUFF. 

Election by Tom Perrotta [First Published in 1998] Election (1999)
At a suburban high school in the USA an overachieving student is poised to win an election for student body president.  A popular teacher that wants to take her down (for personal reasons) recruits a popular football player to run against her.   

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine [First Published in 1997] Ella Enchanted (2004)
Inspired/based on the Cinderella fairy tale; Elle is “gifted” with Obedience by the fairy Lucinda.  (In this case the obedience “gift” takes an extreme literal form in obeying commands including but not limited to self-harm).  After Ella’s mother dies and her father remarries to a selfish woman with obnoxious stepdaughters. Ella goes on a quest to free herself. 

Emily of New Moon by L.M. Montgomery [First Published in 1923] Emily of New Moon (1998-2000)
After her father dies from Tuberculosis orphan Emily Starr is sent to New Moon Farm on Prince Edward Island. It is similar to the authors other works Anne of Green Gables.

Enders Game by Orson Scott Card [First Published in 1985] Enders Game (2013)
After barley defeat the Formics an alien race that want to take over the Earth. The Earth government starts training children to be future military leaders. The protagonist Ender Wiggin is a genius at tactics, games, and strategy quickly rises in the ranks to the point of being the perfect General. 

Eragon by Christopher Paolini [First Published in 2002] Eragon (2006)
In a kingdom ruled by an Evil king a farm boy Eragon finds a dragon's egg; the egg hatches putting him and his family in danger.  Eragon leaves home with, a teacher/guide to join the resistance and become a dragon rider as in the days of old. 

Every Day by David Levithan [First Published in 2012] Every Day (2018)
“A” a wandering spirit inhabits a different body for 24 hours every day.  During one of these 24-hour periods “A” meets Rhiannon, the girlfriend of the body he inhabits. The two fall in love and face the challenges of one of them having a different body every day. 

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon [First Published in 2015] Everything, Everything (2017)
A girl with an immune disorder is forced her to live in a sterilized environment. Falls for the boy next door, resulting in a romance that temps her to go into the outside world. 

E.T. The Extra Terrestrial by William Kotzwinkle [First Published in 1982] E.T. The Extra Terrestrial (1982)
A lonely boy and his siblings help a lost and stranded alien get home, and away from government alien hunters. 

The Fault In Our Stars by John Green [First Published in 2012] The Fault In Our Stars (2014)
Hazel Grace Lancaster, a 16-year-old girl meets and eventually falls in love with 17-year-old Augustus Waters at a fellow cancer patient support group member. Together they go on a life changing journey to Amsterdam to meet with the author of Hazel’s favorite book.

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand [First Published in 1943] The Fountainhead (1949)
 Howard Roark a young architect designs modernist buildings and refuses to compromise with the establishment unwilling to change or accept innovation.

Freak The Mighty by Rodman Philbrick [First Published in 1993] The Mighty (1998)
Two social outcasts one with Morquio Syndrome the other a giant for his age become friends and do things they could not accomplish alone. 

Freaky Friday by Mary Rodgers [First Published in 1972] Freaky Friday (1976, 1995, 2003, 2018)
A Mother and Daughter each believe that the other has life easier than they do. One Friday they switch bodies (each adoption uses a different way). While in each other’s body they learn the other does not have it as easy as they believe and come to respect each other. 

Follow Me Boys!  A.K.A. Known As God and My Country by MacKinlay Kantor [First Published in 1954] Follow Me Boys! (1966)
Lemuel "Lem" Siddons a member of a traveling band decides to settle down in the small town of Hickory. Trying to win the heart of a local woman he becomes the local Boy Scout Troop Leader. Lem ends up dedicating the rest of his to the boy scouts and helping boys become men. 

From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg [First Published in 1967] The Hideaways (1973); From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1995)
Claudia Kincaid decides to run away she convinces her young brother Jamie to join her.  Together they run away and live in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. While living in the museum they become interested in an Angel Statue they believe was created by Michelangelo. Determined to find out they contact the former owner of the statue Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler.

Guardians Of Ga'Hoole (series) by Kathryn Lasky [First Published in 2003] Legend of the Guardian: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)  
The movie covers events from several books in the series. The basic plot is a hero's journey and joining a group of legendary heroes to protect and bring peace to their land.

Geek Charming by Robin Palmer [First Published in 2009] Geek Charming (2011)
Inspired by The Princess and The Frog fairy tale. Geek Josh helps rich, popular Dylan Shoenfield in exchange for her help with a documentary film he is making. As time goes on, they learn about each other and become friends.

Ghost World by Daniel Clowes [First Published in 1998] Ghost World (2001)
Two girls Enid, and Rebecca were best friends in high school drift apart in the first summer after high school. 

Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh [First Published in 1964] Harriet the Spy (1996); Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars (2010)
Harriet wants to become a writer, so she spies on people writing about what they do and her opinions about them. When her opinions get reviled, she has to cope with the consequences and with the help of a teacher finds a more constructive way to achieve her dream.
The 1996 film follows the book for the most part. The 2010 version has the charters as teenagers and changes spying from Harriet’s friends and neighbors to a famous star.  

Hartland (book series) by Lauren Brooke [First Published in 2000] Hartland (2007-?)
Hartland is a 26 novel series that is the basis for the Hartland TV series.  Both book and Television are about the Fleming family that own and operate The Hartland Ranch a ranch that heal and help abused or mistreated horses. 

Hatchet by Gary Paulson [First Published in 1986] A Cry In The Wild (1990)
Brian is traveling by single engine plane to see his father. When the pilot dies from a heart attack and crashes lands into the Yukon Wilderness. Alone and without wilderness Survival skills; Brian must find a way to survive with the only tool he has a Hatchet.

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad [First Published in 1899] Heart of Darkness (1993) 
Employed by a trading company an adventures sailor travels up the Congo for trade. The farther he travels upriver he comes into contact with Kurtz a madman.

A High Wind In Jamaica by Richard Hughes [First Published in 1929] A High Wind In Jamaica (1965)
Set around 1830’s Jamaica; A colonial family the Thornton’s decide to send their children to England for schooling. During the voyage the ship is attacked by pirates and the children are taken captive. The children adjust to the pirate life quickly and easily, which leads to tragedy and death. 

The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams [First Published in 1979] The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (1981/2005)
Each adaption of this story changes a little but the thing that stays the same is the adventures of the Arthur Dent the last man following the destruction of Earth by Vogons after being rescued by Ford Prefect a writer for the galactic travel guide The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy. 

The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien [First Published in 1937] The Hobbit (1977) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
The Hobbit is a single book that has been made into three films. The basic story is about a Hobbit named Bilbo Baggins that is drafted into a quest to help a group of Dwarfs retake their homeland from a Dragon. 

Holes by Louis Sachar [First Published in 1998] Holes (2003)
Unlucky/cursed teenager Stanley Yelnats is sent to a desert detention camp after being for a arrested for crime he did not commit. At the camp the juvenile inmates are required to dig holes 5 by 5 every day for mysterious reasons. Stanley discovers the reason why. 

The Host by Stephanie Meyer [First Published in 2008] The Host (2013)
Alien Parasites invade Earth taking over human bodies until only a few free humans exist. Melanie Stryder a free human is captured and taken over, however in an unusual turn of events Melanie and the alien Wanderer form a friendship resulting in Wanderer and Melanie to join the free humans. 

The House With A Clock in its Walls by John Bellairs [First Published in 1973] The House With A Clock in its Walls (2018)
Orphan Lewis Barnavelt is sent to live with his Uncle Jonathan in Michigan. Lewis soon discovers that his uncle is a warlock and the house they live in a house with a doomsday clock hidden in its walls by the previous owners a couple that were dedicated to black magic. 

How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff [First Published in 2004] How I Live Now (2013)
An American girl Elizabeth who goes by Daisy is goes to England to stay with relatives for the summer. As Daisy bonds with her cousins WW III breaks out.  As the war rages on she must fight to survive and reunite with her family after the war separates them. 

How To Deal by Sarah Dessen [First Published in 2003] How To Deal (2003)
How to deal is a combined novel from the books That Summer [First Published in 1996] and Someone Like You [First Published in 1998].
Halley Martin deals with growing up, divorce/remarriage, romantic love, sex and her best friend’s pregnancy. The best friend Scarlett Smith has lost the baby’s father Michael due to his sudden and tragic death. 

Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones [First Published in 1986] Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
In a world of magic, a young woman Sophie offends a witch and is transformed into an old woman. To break the curse and become young again, Sophie seeks The Wizard Howl and becomes his cleaning lady in his moving castle. 

I Am Number 4 by Pittacus Lore [First Published in 2010] I Am Number 4 (2011)
Nine children with special powers are hiding on Earth after their home planet was destroyed. If these children grow up, they will avenge their people and defend the Earth. The invaders Mogadorians want to stop this; three of the nine are dead.  John Smith is next. 

I Know What You Did Last Summer by Lois Duncan [First Published in 1973] I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997)
Four teens kill somebody by accident and decide to cover it up. One year later a member of the group receives a note stating I Know What You Did Last Summer. After regrouping the members of the conspiracy are attacked one by one as they work to find out who knows the secret.

I Love You Beth Cooper by Larry Doyle [First Published in 2007] I Love You Beth Cooper (2009)
A graduation valedictorian Denis Cooverman states in his graduation speech that he is in love with Beth Cooper cheerleader, and party girl. After the speech Denis has a wild night where he learns about his dream girl, while escaping from dealing with her angry boyfriend. At the end of the night Denis has a more adult view on love, and romantic relationships.

If I Stay by Gayle Foreman [First Published in 2009] If I Stay (2014)
After a car accident that killed her parents and little brother, Mia Hall ends up in a coma. While in a coma Mia is presented with the choice to wake up and continue her life or to die and be with her family that have already passed on.  

The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury [First Published in 1951] The Illustrated Man (1969)
The book and film are anthologies. The illustrated man is a wanderer searching for the woman that inked him with tattoos that tell a story of the future. On his search the illustrated man shows his tattoos and their strange tales to a fellow traveler. 

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick [First Published in 2007] Hugo (2011)
During the 1930’s orphan Hugo Cabret lives within the walls of a Paris train station. Hugo keeps the clocks running, becomes friends with a local shop keeper’s granddaughter and tries to fix an automaton left by his father. 

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell [First Published in 1960] Island of the Blue Dolphins (1964)
An Indian girl Karana and her brother Ramo are left behind on an island when her people decide to go to the mainland. While waiting for their people to return for them her brother is killed by wild dogs; Leaving Karana to survive alone. 

It’s Kind of A Funny Story by Ned Vizzini [First Published in 2006] It’s Kind of A Funny Story (2010)
Craig Gilner is having trouble with depression, stress, an eating disorder, trouble sleeping, and suicidal thoughts.  After going off his medication all of this gets him placed on a psychiatric ward. While in the hospital Craig learns about himself and how to cope with his problems. 

Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson [First Published in 1980] Jacob Have I Loved (1989)
 The Bradshaw’s family twin daughters one is more favored and talented than the other. The less favored daughter struggles with being in the shadow of her sister and freeing herself from the contempt she feels for her sister. 

Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes [First Published in 1943] Johnny Tremain (1957)
In 1775 Boston an apprentice silver smith Johnny Tremain is injured and is unable to continue his apprentice. As a result, Johnny becomes involved with the revolutionaries fighting to free the colonies from England. 

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan [First Published in 1989] The Joy Luck Club (1993)
Four young women that emigrated from China to San Francisco from a club to play Mahjong and to share what is happening in their lives and the lives of their families. 

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott [First Published in 1868] Little Women (1917, 1933, 1949, 1958, 1978, 1994, 2017, 2019)
Little Women is about The March sisters growing and struggling find their place in the world during Civil War and the following reconstruction era in the US. 

Lord of the Rings Series 

  The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien [First Published in 1954] Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Bilbo Baggins nephew Frodo starts on a quest to destroy a powerful magic ring once it is discovered that it was created Dark Lord Sauron. 

  The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien [First Published in 1954] Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
The Fellowship has been split Frodo his servant Sam are continuing on the quest to destroy the ring. The rest of the group has traveled to the besieged Rohan kingdom. Where they have joined the battle against Sauron's and his allies the hordes of Isengard under the command of Wizard Saruman. 

  The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien [First Published in 1955] Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
Frodo and Sam are nearing the end of their quest to destroy the ring. While this is happening Gandalf and Aragorn lead the World of Men against Sauron's army.

Midaq Alley by Naguib Mahfouz [First Published in 1947] Madaq Ally (1995) 
The book and movie take place in different cities and countries. That aside the plot is about the everyday lives of ordinary people in a neighborhood.

Mary Poppins by P.L. Travers [First Published in 1934] Mary Poppins (1964)
The Banks Family is in need of a nanny; Mary Poppins arrives to fill the role. Mary Poppins takes the children on various adventures while teaching them valuable lessons. 

Maximum Ride by James Patterson [First Published in 2005] Maximum Ride (2016)
Children that are 98% Human and 2% avian are living in hiding. One day one of their unit is abducted by the lab that created them. The remaining members mount a rescue. 

Maze Runner Series

  The Maze Runner by James Dashner [First Published in 2009] The Maze Runner (2014)
A group of boys with no memories except their first names are trapped in the center of a maze filled with killing machines that appear at night... Every day the boys look for an exit but are not successful. One day a girl appears which signals that time is running out to solve the maze.  

  Scorch Trials by James Dashner [First Published in 2010] The Scorch Trials (2015)
After escaping the maze, the boys and girl search for answers about who put them into the maze and why.

  The Death Cure by James Dashner [First Published in 2011] The Death Cure (2018)
Having found answers the survivors from the trials join the resistance mount a rescue/attack on the organization that created the maze. 

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O’Brian [First Published in 1971] Secret of NIMH (1982)
Mrs. Jonathan Frisby (Brisby in the film) a widowed mouse seeks help from the Rats of NIMH to rescue her home and family from destruction by a farmer's plow. 

Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs [First Published in 2011] Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children (2016)
Jacob Magellan Portman’s witnesses his grandfather Abraham being killed by a monster. Before dying Abraham tells Jacob to tell Miss Peregrine what happened. Jacob tracks her and down and discovers a special gift that helps him save Miss Peregrine and her wards.

Mortal Engines (Book 1 of the Hungry City series) by Philip Reeve [First Published in 2001] Mortal Engines (2018)
In dystopian future the cities of Earth have become mobilized and fight each other for resources. Needing more resources, the City of London rebuilds a doomsday weapon a couple of outcasts work to stop the weapon and the mad man determined to use it. 
My Friend Flicka by Maureen O’Hara [First Published in 1941] My Friend Flicka (1943), (1955-1960); Flicka (2006)
Kenneth McLaughlin returns home from boarding school. Having not done well at school His father decides to let Ken choice a fowl as a way of making the boy grow up. Ken chooses a fowl with a wild streak. Resulting in Father, son, bonding through challenges and difficulties brought on by the horse.

The 2006 version makes a few changes such as the protagonist changing from a boy to a girl and changing the time period. 

My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult [First Published in 2004] My Sisters Keeper (2009)
Anna is a young girl that sues for medical emancipation after she learns she is to donate a kidney to her older sister Kate who is suffering from acute promyelocytic leukemia, and kidney failure. 

Nerve by Jeanne Ryan [First Published in 2012] Nerve (2016)
A high school girl Vee gets involved in an online dare game for cash, prizes, and fame. At first the dares are small however the dares get bigger and more illegal as the game nears it’s finally. 

Old Yeller by Fred Gipson [First Published in 1956] Old Yeller (1957)
Travis Coates must take care of his family and their ranch when his father and the other men in the community go on a cattle drive in 1860s in Texas. Soon after Mr. Coats leaves an old yeller dog starts hanging around. At first the dog is unwanted but quickly proves its worth and becomes beloved by the family. 

Percy Jackson& The Olympians Series

  Percy Jackson& The Olympians: The Lighting Thief by Rick Riordan [First Published in 2005] Percy Jackson & The Lighting Thief (2010)
Percy Jackson discovers that he is the son of the Greek God Poseidon and a human woman his mother. After learning all of this Percy goes to a training camp for demigods. While at the camp the   Oracle tasks Percy with finding Zeus’s master lightning bolt and stopping a war between the gods. 

  Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan [First Published in 2006] Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters (2013)
A tree that helps protect demigod camp has been poisoned. To save the tree and the camp the Golden Fleece located in the sea of monsters. Percy Jackson and friends go on a quest for the fleece.    

Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi [First Published in 2000] Persepolis (2007) 
Memoir and coming of age tale about growing up in Iran, during the Islamic Revolution.

The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster [First Published in 1961] The Phantom Tollbooth (1970)
Milo a boy who has become bored with life finds a tollbooth in his room. Believing he has nothing better to do, drives though it and into a magical world filled with action and adventure. 

Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter [First Published in 1912] Pollyanna (1960/2003) Polly (1989)
Orphan Pollyanna is sent to live with her wealthy and stern Aunt Polly. Although Pollyanna is not wanted, she stays optimistic and changes the town and her aunt with her optimism and the glad game.  A game Pollyanna’s father taught her so she will see the good in all things. 

Pretty Little Liars (Series) by Sara Shepard [First Published in 2006] Pretty Little Liars (2010-2017)
Set in Pennsylvania One year after the disappearance of the fifth member of their gang. The four divided best friends start receiving messages threatening to expose their deep dark secrets.

The Princess Bride by William Goldman [First Published in 1973] The Princess Bride (1987)
In a Renaissance ear world in the fictional country of Florin a young woman by the name of Buttercup believes her love is about to marry a prince. However just before the wedding Princess Buttercup is kidnapped by three men. A mysterious man in black pursues and rescues Buttercup. Is the man in black her long lost love? 

The Princess Dairies by Meg Cabot [First Published in 2000] The Princess Diaries (2001)
Mia Thermopolis an average high school student learns that she is the princess of a European country and has to go through princess training. 

Push by Sapphire [First Published in 1996] Precious: Based on the Novel “Push” by Sapphire (2009)
An illiterate, abused, single mother/ pregnant teenager is transferred to an alternative school where she meets a teacher that teachers her how to read and write. In addition to that the teacher helps the Precious get out of her abusive home and into high school. 

A Raisin In The Sun by Lorraine Hansberry [First Published in 1959] A Raisin In The Sun (1961/2008)
A Black family struggling to make a living get an unexpected windfall in the shape of an insurance check. The members of the family disagree on how to use the money to better their lives until outside prejudices unite the family in a common dream.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline [First Published in 2011] Ready Played One (2018)
In the future a virtual realty world called OASIS a place where you can go anywhere be anything/anyone, do everything you can imagine is used by everybody. The creator of Oasis has died but left ownership of oasis to the person or persons who solves his last three-part quest hidden within Oasis. After years of no progress most believe it’s an unwinnable hoax until Wade Watts wins the first contest. 

The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane [First Published in 1895] The Red Badge of Courage (1951/1974)
During the American Civil War an eighteen-year-old Henry Fleming joins the Union Army.  Henry goes through training and boredom of soldering. Until his first battle during which he has a moment of cowardice. Henry does what he can to redeem himself of his actions. 

Redwall by Brian Jacques [First Published in 1986] Redwall (1999-2002)
A young mouse living in Redwall Abby named Matthias dreams of adventure, and glory. Matthias get his chance when Redwall Abby comes under siege from the Rat Warlord Cluny the Scourge.
The TV series is based on three of the novels in the 22-book series. 

Rumble Fish by S.E. Hilton [First Published in 1975] Rumble Fish (1983)
A juvenile street hooligan Rusty-James wants to be like his idealized older brother and former gang leader Motorcycle Boy. 

The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne [First Published in 1850] The Scarlet Letter (1926, 1934, 1973, 1979, 1995, 2015)
Hester Prynne had an affair and a child while her husband is missing presumed dead. For not reveling the father, Hester and her daughter are shunned and is forced to wear a scarlet A. When her husband returns, he vows vengeance against the father.

Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (series) by Alvin Schwartz [First Published in 1981]: Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark (2019) 
The Book series are old fashioned/traditional horror short stories based on American Folklore. The movie is set in the 1968 about a group of teens that experience several of their stories because of ghostly curse. 

A Separate Peace by John Knowles [First Published in 1959] A Separate Peace (1972, 2004)
Two boys Gene and Finny become friends, and rivals while attending a prep school during WWII. 

A Series of Unfortunate Events (series) by Daniel Handler as Lemony Snicket [First Published in 1999] A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) (2017 – 2019)
The series is 13 books about the three Baudelaire orphans and the mystery of their parent’s death and the secret society they were members of.
The film is based on the first three books the series. The TV series is based on all 13 books. 

The Shunning by Beverly Lewis [First Published in 1997] The Shunning (2011)
A young Amish woman having doubts about her upcoming marriage discovers she may be adopted has a personal crisis. 

Sooner or Later by Carole Hart, Bruce Hart [First Published in 1983] Sooner or Later (1979)
A 13-year-old Jessie Walters falls for her 17-year-old guitar teacher Michael Skye. She lies about her age to get close to him. When their relationship starts to get serious, She has to decide if she will tell the truth or not. 

The Spiderwick Chronicles: Series by Toni DiTerlizzi & Holly Black [First Published in 2003] The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008)
The book series is about the Grace children a pair of twins Simon and Jared and their Mallory after they move into Spiderwick Estate and discover the world of fairies with the help of Spiderwick's Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You.
The film is based on 5 novels within the book series. 

Stardust by Neil Gaiman [First Published in 1998] Stardust (2007)
To win a favor from the most attractive girl in town; A boy named Tristan starts a journey into a magical land to find a fallen star. In this magic land witches and princes are also looking for the star. 

Tex by S.E. Hinton [First Published in 1979] Tex (1982)
Two brothers living in a small Oklahoma town struggle to make it on their own after their mother dies and their father is gone most of the time. 

The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke [First Published in 2000] The Thief Lord (2006)
Two orphan brothers Prosper, and Bo run away from their cruel relatives to Venice, Italy. Once in the city the brothers join a gang that steals from the rich to feed themselves.

 Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe [First Published in 1958] Things Fall Apart (1971) 
 The story of Okonkwo a man from Nigeria and his life while in the village of Umoufia.

To All The Boys I Have Loved Before by Jenny Han [First Published in 2014] To All The Boys I Have Loved Before (2018)
Lara Jean is a girl that writes letters to boys she likes but locks them away in a box. One day all of the letters are mailed to the boys. Wanting to avoid embarrassment and or dealing with guys she has gotten over.  She enlists a classmate Peter to be her pretend boyfriend. The two start to develop feelings for each other as time goes by. 

Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden [First Published in 1993] Tomorrow When the War Began (2010, 2016)
Seven friends go on a camping trip for a week. While on the trip their country and specifically their hometown is occupied by an unknown invasion force. The group start waging a guerrilla war on the enemy. 

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson [First Published in 1883] Treasure Island (1920, 1934, 1950, 1966, 1972, 1990, 1999, 2012) Muppet Treasure Island (1996) Treasure Planet (2002)
After a mysterious border in Bristol England dies young Jim Hawkins comes to possess a treasure map to an unknown island. Joining with a local Lord and a Doctor they charter a boat and hire a crew to find the treasure. Only to run afoul with pirates also seeking the treasure. 

Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt [First Published in 1975] Tuck Everlasting (1981/2002)
A young girl discovers a family of immortals living in the woods near her home. As she learns their secret and the dangers of that secret, she has the choice to become immortal or not. 

Twilight Series 

  Twilight by Stephanie Meyer [First Published in 2005] Twilight (2008)
Bella Swan moves from Arizona to Washington and falls for mysterious Edward Cullen a 104-year-old vampire.  Edward falls for Bella in return placing her life in danger. 

  New Moon by Stephanie Meyer [First Published in 2006] The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
The Cullen family moves for safety unknowingly putting Bella in danger. Bella is saved by a shape shifter she befriended. (This is the Start of a love triangle). While this is happening, Edward believes Bella has been killed and is going to commit suicide. Until Bella saves him, placing her under the eye of the Vampire leadership. The Cullen family returns to Washington. 

  Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer [First Published in 2007] The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
A renegade vampire creates a vampire army to kill Bella and the Cullen family. Bella, the shape shifters, and the vampires join forces to destroy the vampire army. Bella and Edward get engaged. 

  Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer [First Published in 2008] The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn 1 (2011) The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn 2 (2012)
Edward and Bella get married and have a child. The child is believed to be a danger to the world put thus forcing Bella, Edward and allies to band together to prove the belief is unfounded.

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead [First Published in 2007] Vampire Academy (2014)
Princess Vasilisa Dragomir and her bodyguard Rose Hathaway are attending St Vladimir's Academy. The academy is a place filled with lies, rumors, secrets, danger from within and out, and school politics. 

A Walk To Remember by Nicholas Sparks [First Published in 1999] A Walk To Remember (2002)
In Beaufort, North Carolina a popular bad boy Landon Carter and a minister’s daughter Jamie Sullivan become involved in each other lives. As they get to know each other they fall in love. 

Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion [First Published in 2010] Warm Bodies (2013)
The world has been taken over by Zombies “R” an introspective Zombie saves a living girl Julie. The two of them grow close and learn about each other’s worlds. While this is happening “R” and other Zombies start to become human again.

Watchmen by Author Alan Moore Illustrator/Letterer Dave Gibbons [First Published in 1987] Watchman (2009)
Set in a world with an alternative history where superheroes and costumed vigilantes were active. Until a government crackdown forced them to retire, work for the government, or become outlaws. Years after the ban has taken affect a hero killer brings the heroes out of retirement and into a much larger conspiracy.  

Watership Down by Richard Adams [First Published in 1972] Watership Down (1978, 1999, 2018)
A group of rabbits flee their home on the eve of its destruction. The rabbits look for a new home safe from man and from other oppressive rabbit social orders. 

The Wave by Todd Strasser [First Published in 1981] The Wave (1981, 2008)
Based on a true story a history teacher starts a classroom experiment called the Wave.  He announces himself as the leader and instructs the students to follow his rules and philosophy. The experiment takes on a life of its own.
The 2008 version moves the setting to Germany and escalates on what actually happened. 

The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera [First Published in 1987] Whale Rider (2002)
Kahu, a member of the Maori tribe of Whangara, New Zealand believes she is destined to be a leader. She works to prove that to herself, her family, and her people. 

When Calls The Heart by Janet Oke [First Published in 1983] When Calls The Heart (2013) (2014-?)
Elizabeth Thatcher a teacher leaves her comfortable life with her wealthy family to teach in a rural coal mining town.  Elizabeth finds a community she treasures and finds love with a local Mountie.  

The Wind In the Willows by Kenneth Grahame [First Published in 1908] The Wind In The Willows (1949, 1984-1988, 1987, 1995, 2006)
A group of anamorphic animals have adventures and try to save Toad Hall from Toads bad choices and from criminal Weasels that desire to take over. 

White Fang by Jack London [First Published in 1905] White Fang (1973), (1991), (2018)
A wild wolf dog puppy named White Fang grows up feral until a gold hunter/miner tames White Fang and gives him a permanent home. 

A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin [First Published In 1968] Earthsea (2004)
Ged AKA Sparrowhawk a young man with magical ability leaves his home to learn joins the school of wizardry. While in school Sparrowhawk performs a forbidden spell and releases a dark spirit. He is haunted by the spirit and seeks to be free of it. 

The Wonderful Wizard of OZ by L. Frank Baum [First Published in 1900] The Wizard of OZ (1939) The Dreamer of OZ (1990)
Dorothy a young girl from Kansas is swept up by a tornado and dropped in the Land of OZ. To return home Dorothy goes to see The Wonderful of OZ to return home.
The Dreamer of OZ is a TV Movie about the author L. Frank Baum, how he got the book published.

Wonder by R.J. Palacio [First Published in 2012] Wonder (2017)
August Pullman a boy born with facial deformities enters public school for the first time. August finds friends and overcomes the challenges of looking different.

What I Am Watching 2025

 This will be the usual format and setup  Theater numbers past years  2020 Theater 10 2021Thearter 10 2022 Theater 21 2023 Theater 39 2024 T...